Due to a backlog of applicants waiting to take the Texas state required Concealed Handgun License (CHL) course, the Oak Ridge North Police Department (just North of Houston) was given permission by the City Council to teach the class. ...Beginning in December 2008, the Texas Department of Public Safety started receiving an unprecedented number of applications of concealed handgun permits, said Tom Vinger, assistant chief of DPS media relations. ...Representatives of both candidates say they own rifles and handguns and that they are hunters. Perry's spokesman, Mark Miner, said the governor has a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun. The senator's spokeswoman, Jennifer Baker, ...Here is the latest downloadable copy of the 2009 - 2010 Texas Concealed Handgun Laws. You can download a copy by clicking on the link below. You will need."The trend is widespread across Texas, and most people are attributing the increase to the presidential election of Barack Obama because people started fearing their right to bear arms may be limited under the new administration." ...As the nation's largest national, non-partisan, grassroots organization leading the fight to prevent gun violence, the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center are dedicated to creating an America free from gun violence, where all Americans ...A professor at a medical school who lawfully carries a licensed concealed handgun throughout the state is not going to suddenly turn into a violent criminal if he also carries while on campus. Categories: Academia, Guns ... When I went to High School in West Texas in the early 1960's, every car in the parking lot (save 1 or 2) had at least one gun in it. Every boy had a 4-inch knife in his pocket (none would admit not to have) and most girls did too. ...In 1995, a law granting Texans the right to carry concealed firearms made Texas the 31st state to legalize carrying concealed weapons. Texas is one of the states having the most stringent requirements for acquiring a concealed handgun ...Texas is working on a bill where students and staff can carry their gun on campus; with 73090 concealed handgun licenses received in 2008 alone campuses should get on board. In order to even receive a concealed handgun license, the gun ...blog for: Summit Self Defense. title: Austin CHL- How do I get my Texas Concealed handgun license?. Preview: July 29, 2009- Austin, TX -- How do I get a concealed handgun license (CHL) in Texas? This is a question that I receive a lot.
My roommate and I were having a discussing about why Texas hasn't became a open carry state. But we were also wondering how many people in Texas really do have a CHL
My friend thinks he can wave it around wherever he wants! Even in a parking lot.
How long does it take to receive a Utah CHP? I know how long the class is and I know what the fees are- I'm just wondering how long it takes for the state to process fingerprints/ID background check etc.
Here in Texas it's about 6 months so I'm trying to see if I can cut that time down a little.
I'm from Texas and about to take my CHL class. I occasionally travel to Oklahoma and would like to know the local and state regulations for carrying a concealed handgun. I've skimmed the written law but it was overly detailed and confusing.
I live in Huntsville, Texas and I am thinking about buying a hand-gun and learning how to use it. I am first wondering if I can carry it in my car. I would probably buy one of those finger-print Bio Gun Safes to keep gun inside while in car. But I am wondering mostly...
What do I have to do to have a gun legally?
What do I have to do to go to shooting ranges and does anyone recommend one in my area?
Do I have to get a concealed handgun license or permit? And if so, where do I go to get this? Do you have to meet a certian specification for this? I shoot three types of guns every 6 months, work for a prison...
Any help would be appreciated...
Also, does anyone recommend a good Hand-gun for a woman that isn't too large or too small, doesn't kick terribly bad and is low maintenance? What about a Baretta? Don't know much but guessing a 9 millimeter is the size I'm looking for.
DJ's advice is awesome, thank you... but I shoot a revolver for work and am quite comfortable and knowledgeable about it, but still doesn't feel like my kinda gun... kinda want a hand-gun with a clip.
An obese prisoner in Harris County, Texas has been charged with illegal possession of a firearm after he was discovered to be hiding a 9mm pistol in between his rolls of fat, local media reported Saturday.
.George Vera, who weighs around 500 pounds (225 kilogrammes) was originally arrested last week for selling counterfeit CDs, according to the Houston Chronicle newspaper.
A police spokesman told the Chronicle that Vera was searched three times over the course of his arrest and booking at the jail but managed to conceal the handgun with his rolls of fat until it was discovered in the shower.
Vera has been charged with possession of an illegal weapon in a correctional facility, which carries a penalty of two to 10 years in prison, but is currently free on bail of 10,000 dollars.
What do you make of this?
I am designing a man's kilt with a concealed handgun option. I have seen a handgun pocket once that was built on the side of the rise to where a small handgun could be placed, just a bit above where the belt would be.
I have seen kilts with the pockets built between the side pleats, but this might not be a good place, I suppose I could build some extra support from the rise (the area above the belt line), and sink it down to where you could still get a good quick draw.
And for the ones asking the question, why a handgun, we don't leave home without them in Texas.
In the Dallas area there are large groups of Scots, and Celts. One school in Dallas has Scots as its mascot. Besides, I am piper and enjoying wearing a kilt. Texas is more than boots, but I wear those and my wranglers when I am not fired up in the pipes.
Even some areas are associated with the highlands. We have a large new mall not too far from the new Texas Stadium that is called the Highlands, and has pipers as in their signs. We also have a kilt shop in North Dallas. The old Dallas Orchestra conductor would wear his kilts at Christmas concerts. There are a lot of kilties down here.
It's concealed, you cannot see it.
So I want to get my fiance a CHL (Concealed Handgun License) for his birthday, I have his social he is 22, and he has a .45 but I know he will need to buy rounds, he has never shot this gun and is anxious to, and he also really wants his CHL but he does not have the money yet but I do, what are the pro's and cons of the CHL in Dallas Texas
he shot a handgun befor it was like a .40 or something, but he wanted something more powerful,
Coming back from the ranch in Texas a friend of mine got pulled over by the Border Patrol and they seized a legal handgun that was concealed in the center console. He does not have a permit because in Texas you DO NOT need one to carry in your vehicle (according to the new Tx law) .He is OF AGE to carry. He DID NOT lie about the gun. He is NOT a criminal and has NO criminal record. This CANNOT be legal. My dad is retired Border Patrol and told me its NOT right that they took it.
Maybe Im wrong and I better be, because his Congressman will be tearing some people up if they are outta line. Let me know if you are KNOWLEDGEABLE about this situation, I dont want your opinion or guesses please.
The Patrol agent suspected my buddy of driving under the influence and gave him this ultimatum..... "Ill take that gun and you can go home, or I can call the Sheriff about this"
My buddy chose to just go home....This is LAW breaking. My buddy said to the Agent he had A beer a few hours before that was it.
I recently got my CHL and my instructor had mentioned that we are allowed to go into a Church with our gun, but reading the gun laws, it mentions that its an offense if I do. from what I understood, we can't go into places with the "30.06" sign but what if the Church doesn't have that? Any comments, links if possible.
Don't know much about this. Is it the same thing? Do you have to own a gun to take the concealed handgun course. Is it just for that particular gun or or just the type of handgun you used in the course, or any handgun. Is a weapons certification course different? I am in Texas, but may be going overseas on a job that will require me to carry a weapon. They haven't said what kind of weapon.
Thanks, I hsad thought might take the concealed handgun course before reporting for the job. I still may take it but
they are going to provide weapons training and certification. I assume they will also provide the weapons when we are overseas.
Can a CHL (Concealed Handgun License) carrier defend himself if he, his family, or fellow believers are attacked inside their church?
I live in Texas and I'm always packing my Glock .40 cal pistol even in church. There have been some high profile church shootings in the news lately and if someone in those churches had neutralized the deranged gunman with a gun, would they have faced legal consequences. Would I face legal repercussions if I neutralized or shot a threatening criminal inside my church?
I live in Texas, and have a Concealed Handgun License. I will be flying out to California to help my parents move back to Georgia. I would like to bring my pistol so that once we cross into Arizona, I can carry it in accordance with my CHL. I know I can't "carry" it in California, but I don't mind keeping it locked up for the < 10 hours I'll be there.
I know how to properly fly with my handgun, I do it all the time, but never into California. I know they have some CA DOJ Approved list that your gun must meet to bring it into the state. Mine's a Smith & Wesson M&P compact, .40 and a Kel-Tec P11 9mm (BUG), if that helps.
I know there's a federal law that says you're supposed to be able to travel anywhere with your gun as long as its legal in the origin and destination, but I'm not sure how that applies when I'm traveling West in order to go East.
The intended focus of this question is the legality of bringing my aforementioned pistols into California for less than one day, assuming I comply with their "separate locks" requirements, etc.
Oh, and my apologies that this isn't exactly a hunting question. It was here, or "Law & Ethics," which would almost certainly result in responses of "Go away evil gun owner," etc.
Thanks to all, -Tex
I need help on a few laws. At what age can a person legally own a shotgun/rifle/handgun? At what age can one get a CHL (concealed handgun license)? How can one get a CHL? And if the handgun owning is legally 21, why can a member of the Texas State Guard (i was apart of it before i joined the USMC) legally carry and qualify when the person(s) are at the age of 17-19? ((qualified with a 40 cal Glok EXPERT first time. no practice. 229 :-))
Just wondered since brass knuckles are a concealed weapon just like a handgun, are the legal to carry if you have a valid Texas CHL (concealed handgun license)? I don't see the difference as they are both concealed weapons and both intended to do bodily harm in a self defense situation?
what are the limits of a concealed handgun license like if i have a license can i go to jail for carrying a hand gun under my jacket where can i carry it
what are the rules for texas
I am 19 years old and a Texas resident (not a member of the military). I believe (please correct me if I am mistaken) that I am allowed to carry a handgun on my own premises, or on private land owned by my immediate family. My question is if a vehicle, registered to my immediate family, is considered still being on my familya��s a�?premisesa��.
It may help to describe the situation in detail. My family owns a home in the city and a large tract of land a few hours away. It is my understanding that I can legally carry a handgun on either premises (the home and the tract of land). Can I (at 19 years old and unaccompanied by a family member over 21) transport a handgun in a vehicle registered to my family from my familya��s house to our tract of land as long as the handgun never leaves the vehicle unless it is parked on land that my family owns? (I understand that while in the vehicle, the handgun cannot be in plain view and that I cannot be engaged in criminal activity, or a member of a a�?street ganga��)
I looked at the state penal code, but was unable to find any minimum age to be in possession of a handgun on private property. I know that I must be 21 to purchase a handgun and to get a concealed handgun permit, but I didna��t see any minimum age for having one on my person, as long as I am on land that belongs to my family.
Thank you for your time. It would be convenient to be able to do this, but it is more important to me that I remain on the right side of the law.
To clarify:
I guess this is multifaceted. Here are the issues as I see them
a�?Is there a minimum age to be in the possession of a handgun on private property owned by YOUR PARENTS?
a�?I know you can possess a handgun in YOUR car. but what if the title is in YOUR PARENT'S name?
The more i think about this, the more confusing it gets. Thanks for the answers so far guys!
This question is for a Texas resident who is legally registered "conceal carry" and also has partial deafness he wants to avoid exacerbating with loud noises.
A smaller gun is probably better, although not necessarily.
This question is for a Texas resident who is legally registered "conceal carry" and also has partial deafness he wants to avoid exacerbating with loud noises.
A smaller gun is probably better, although not necessarily.
This is for self-defense.
i have a friend that was convicted of agg. ass. w/a/d weapon in texas when he was 15, he got defered judificaiton probation, now he wants to get a concealed handgun license will this show up?
well he was protecting his mother when he got in trouble so in my eyes he should not have ever been in any trouble
This was in Az if that makes a difference.
I was charged w/ misdemeanor assault but charges were later dismissed.
I have found that many, particulary uninitiated guys, think men who wear kilts are girly or something.
I have had a few run ins with these types, especially in the men's restroom at the pub, while in a Kilt (in Texas). They say something stupid, and then they get surprised when I pin them against the wall. I once sent a guy though the door of a stall who he fell into some guy taking a dump.
I think what really facinates me is that look. Like, I can't believe you got me hung here. They want to fight back, but then all the sudden they go limp, and just want to go back to being peaceful.
Don't get me wrong, I have had a few take swings, I even had one chase me out of the bathroom to get caught thrown out by the bouncers for trying to start a fight.
I remember I once had a few rednecks about to say something once in a western wear store, when I was buying some boots. They were cutting up right up to the moment they saw my (legally) concealed handgun poking out. Same reaction there once they knew they were not in position to really screw with me.
My real fear is one day I will really have to defend myself. I cannot believe that there are so many guys who feel the need to try their stab at the pecking order with a guy in a kilt.
In Texas, most of the ones born and raised often carry guns, like a ballpoint pen anywhere else. Which is the idea of a new law before our own state's cognress to force employers to allow employees to pack at work, at least keep their guns on the premise.
In September of 2007, Texas finally clarified the definition of "traveling" so that even non concealed carry permit holders could have a handgun within their reach in their car. One of the requirements is that you must be able to legally own a gun (not a felon, gang member, etc.). Does that also mean that minors can't carry in a vehicle?
I have a beretta 92 and the store has been robbed at gunpoint in the past. I have an in the pants small of back holster. I plan on getting my licence later on and the store has no firearm policy. Just wondering if I'd get in trouble for carrying already.
thanks everyone but it turns out that even if i had a licence i would still get in trouble, the business gets more than 51% of its income from alcohol sales making it a feloney for any licenced individule. getting a licence in TX means a 10 hour class, firerange test and an application fee. long wait but ill do it either way.
I'm sure many people have been touchin on this subject as of late and recent times. But I still want to bring it up. I am against such law, I am from Texas of course, and I've always been able to go anywhere with my rifle for one, and my dad with his pistol and just shoot for fun. With a proper permit, we can carry a concealed handgun. I believe banning will not solve any issues, it will bing another civil war, and slowly Obama will pick our country apart by tearing out every ammendment that we have ever loved and cared about that has kept this country in tact since 1776. There is horrible crime don't you doubt. But someone is going to get a hold of a weapon, or someone is going to murder in a different way...either way it's not going to be any better if not worst. I am in the military as well, so I was always taught to "love" my weapon and never leave it, I sure as hell am not going to have someone pry it from my hands when I am home in Texas. How do you protect your family when ya really need too? Crap happens...and you can no longer protect your family...opinions anyone?
I live in texas, am 19, and was wondering if either i or the seller of the handgun could get into trouble of any type if i were to buy it from him. He's 21 and has a ccp, bought the piece at a pawn shop, and now is looking to sell it. Would him or I get in legal trouble if I were to only keep it at my house or in my vehicle for protection?
can i carry a gun in my car with out a concealed handgun license
Alright im really confused and please only answer if you know what your talking about thanks. Im 17 years old and im active duty army. Texas law states that you can have a license to own and conceal a handgun at the age of 18 if your in the armed forces because if your old enough to fight your old enough to own a gun makes since right. but im 17 and in the army does this apply to me? either way you cant buy a handgun unitl your 21 so how does that work can my mom get me one as a gift i know all about the straw law thing but how does it work exactly i also know i can inherit one but since im 17 can this work since im old enough to fight for my country? And please dont say ask the gun store or range people cuz those civillians always give me the same shit, they say if it was up to them we'd all be allowed a gun regardless of age than they really just joke around and never answer and its awkward any help please and thanks.
umm no1 is seeing the question i know for a fact i can only get a concealed licens cuz of the army you need your orders as proof so this is fact and not only mps get a side arm medics et one and i get one cuz im a team leader in dstb a securtiy unit ne way its not for work its only for off time fun
I am currently living in Texas but will be moving to the D.C. area (either Virginia or Maryland). If I get a handgun license in Texas, will that license work in Virginia/Maryland? Or since I am so close to moving to the D.C. area (4-5 months?), should I wait until I get there?
Also, how much does it cost to get a handgun license/concealed handgun license? I understand there is a class I would have to attend, how much does the class cost?
I'm not talking about IN D.C. I'm talking about Virginia or Maryland.
My father (now deceased) who lived in Syracuse, NY left me his gun collection which includes several handguns, rifles and shotguns. He had a concealed handgun permit issued by the State of New York, so the handguns are all legally listed and registered on his permit which I am now in possession of. According to the laws in NY, the guns should be "disposed" of by turning them into the Sheriff's office or to a gun dealer.
I am trying to figure out how I can legally transfer ownership of the guns from my deceased father to myself and transport the guns from New York State to Texas.
As the guns were "willed" to me and are now technically my property, can I fly to New York and bring the guns back to Texas with me as checked baggage on the plane without going through a gun dealer? Would there be any ownership or registration issues? Handguns in Texas are not required to be registered - but can I legally be in possession of the guns while still in the State of New York even if in the process of transporting them out of state?
My father (now deceased) who lived in Syracuse, NY left me his gun collection which includes several handguns, rifles and shotguns. He had a concealed handgun permit issued by the State of New York, so the handguns are all legally listed and registered on his permit which I am now in possession of.
I am trying to figure out how to have the guns shipped legally to me in Texas from New York State as the guns are still at my mother's home in Syracuse. As the guns were "willed" to me and are now my property, can she simply pack them in gun cases and ship them to me in Texas via FedEx or UPS Nextday?
Can I fly to New York and bring the guns back to Texas with me as checked baggage on the plane without going through a gun dealer?
im trying to find a topic for my social studies fair that has to do with crime because of handguns in louisiana vs texas..im trying to see if there is a big crime difference because of gun laws between these states.
I'm national guard, and I've heard that Military you don't have to be 21 to get a CHL. Is that true for National Guard as well? This applies to Texas laws.
I'm in Texas and was convicted of Assault by contact about 2 or 3 years ago, which ended in a 3 months unsupervised probation after plea bargaining if I remembered correctly. I'm planning on applying for a concealed handgun license later this year, so I want to find out exactly if it was a Class C or Class B misdemeanor.
Are there any website or place where I can view my personal record and find out exactly if I was convicted of a Class C or B misdemeanor?
Thank you.
I was convicted of Assault by contact(I believe it's a Class C misdemeanor in Texas), it ended in a probation after plea bargain.
This happened about 3 years ago.
Can I still get a concealed handgun license in Texas with the Class C misdemeanor convection? I read the FAQ on the Texas DPS website which stated that most misdemeanor convection may cause me not able to get the license, but I want to ask if anyone knows for sure.
Also, I got about 3 speeding tickets before, will that effect anything?
Thank you.
Does anyone know of a site that has a sample of the Texas DPS application for a Concealed Handgun. I would like to see wnat information it asks for before ordering the application. I have been unable to locate a sample online.
someone i used to know had a concealed handgun license.. he would keep his loaded .45 in this slot underneath the stereo head unit, but it was visible.
is that legal in texas??
hmm alright.. wasnt sure. Seemed a bit crazy, but thats texas for ya. YEEHAWWW
If you don't have a Concealed Handgun License can you still legally carry a CO2 powered pellet pistol concealed in Texas?
That is the real problem here is the stupid New York gun laws. If he was in Dallas and did this he would just be called stupid. The crime rate is also lower in Texas than New York. Wonder Why? Cause only thugs have guns in New York.
3 years ago I had a class A misdameanor for poss.. Can I still get a concealed handgun liscence. I live in Housotn Texas.
I'm just curious. Not really in the market for a gun. I know how old it is to have a concealed handgun (21), but how old just to have a gun, period?
My question is what can you do with a CHL? Let's say I get my license and purchase a handgun what are my rights? Can I carry it with me just about anywhere I go? Excluding, bars, places that have the "No handgun sign". Example: Could I goto a normal restaurant or something and have my gun on me? What are some general places it's "OK" to have a concealed gun?
I had someone to pull a gun on me Saturday in a public place and threaten my life twice. I called the police and they wrote it off as a disturbance, the officer said the D.A. wouldna��t pick up the charges. I know it happened because the bastard is a out of work corrections officer. Ia��m assuming he showed his badge to the officers. The thing is I purchased a gun that same afternoon and the guy told me that it was registered with the FBI and I didna��t need to register it with the state, I know that isna��t true. I need to know where to go and register the gun in Texas. I intend to attend a concealed handgun course on the 18th. Are they any other legal recourse I can take outside of a restraining order, the bastard lives in my complex. The officer actually told me just to stay away from him and hea��s the one who threaten my life. If he threatens me again legally what can I do?
Thanks in advance for any relevant help.
Speaking from recently concealed handgun holders that have mailed in their packet to Austin Texas this year.
Friday, October 30, 2009
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