Friday, October 30, 2009

38 colt revolvers

2009-10-30 02:03 am UTC (link). Its an old (pre 1907) Colt revolver in the first photos. Youre gonna get a shitload of info on it very shortly, Im sure. (Reply to this) (Thread) ... 2009-10-30 02:09 am UTC (link). Oh..and the .38 Super was popular on the Mexican side since pistolas in military calibers werent permitted for civvies. The caliber makes it a rarer gun than if it was .45. THe grips are wonderful...typical Texas-style ostentatiousness. (Reply to this) (Thread) ...... of YOUR VICE IS A LOCKED DOOR AND ONLY I HAVE THE KEY), police captain Vanni (THE FRENCH CONNECTION's Marcel Bozzuffi) goes beyond the law to form a secret squad of rogu cops, each armed with an unlicensed 38 Colt revolver. ...John Moses Browning designed a hand gun in 1911 to replace the woefully weak .38. Since then there have been no changes to the development of the human body, its still mostly water. Stand on a bridge and throw a spear into the water, .... I recently purchased a revolver called the JUDGE by Taurus. It only holds 5 rounds which is a downside for the weapon but it fires 410(short range), 45 acp, 45(longer range) long colt and a huge assortmet of other special rounds that can ...WTS Winchester 1873 rifle,38-40 caliber. Manufactured 1889,antique so no FFL needed for transfer to out of state buyer.Good shootable bore,works well.I know 2 were revolvers. One was a .32 and the other was a .38. The last one was a .22 Colt Woodsman semi-auto. if i find out the makes and models of the revolvers i'll post here later( just don't have all the info on those right now. ...a?� Rj Colt in NORTH DAKOTA a?�, a?� Certainly in Waldensia a?�, a?� Crapson in Colony Center a?�, a?� Values in DE a?�, a?� Fabrizio in CALIFORNIA a?�, a?� Sixguns in GEORGIA a?�, a?� 38 Special Ammunition in Carriage Stop a?�, a?� Iii in TN a?� ...My first snubby, bought days after graduating from the academy, was a NIB chrome Colt Cobra lightweight snubnose revolver in .38 special. It remains one of my favorite carry guns. Six rounds in a reliable Colt revolver. ...38 Special Army Colt Revolver. Excellent collectors piece. Has a 5" barrel and faux pearl grips, 1919 circa series. Posted by The Daily Gun Picture at 9/13/2009. Labels: Antique Collectible Firearms, Handgun ...... 38 a?�, a?� Guns a?�, a?� uberti Model P Thunderer Cowboy Gun Dual Cylinder 45 Colt - 45 Acp 3 1/ a?�, a?� Colt trooper Revolver a?�, a?� Army a?�, a?� Beretta a?�, a?� Items a?�, a?� 1 a?�, a?� 1991 a?�, a?� Version a?�, a?� Colt 1896 Revolver a?� ...below that is a Smith and Wesson .38 Hammerless next down is a Colt Single-Action Army Revolver .45-Caliber "Peacemaker" below that is a Colt Walker Revolver and finally at bottom right is a Remington New Model Army .44 ...
The barrell now reads .38 special ctg. but it is not a .38 special gun. I do not have the paperwork anymore for this gun and do not know if the correct ammo is 38 Short Colt or 38 S&W. I thought it was 38 S&W but the man at the gun store looked at my gun and said it was the 38 Short Colt. I bought a box and went to an indoor shooting range. As I was about 20 rounds through the box, the cylinder started locking up on some of the rounds and I could not pull the trigger back. Was it because of the wrong ammo. Should it have been 38 S&W. Did I hurt my gun? I closed up the box after 20 rounds and went home. I looked at the gun and it looks ok and it dry fires fine. Can anyone help me out in identifiying what type of Colt revolver I really have and what should be fired out of it? Also, can you advise if I hurt my gun shooting 20 rounds through it? When you look at 38 Short Colt and 38 S&W in the store and compare the two rounds they look almost identical. The serial number is 133209 on the frame and it looks like a lower case "d" is stamped under it. On the cylinder part serial number is also 133209 stamped on it, however no letter is stamped below. I am assuming that it had a longer barrell on it at one time and a gunsmith put the snub nose detective special barrell on it. The gun looks pretty old but there is no year of make stamped on it. Any help with my problem would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I called Colts customer service and they said they could not help me with the serial number, they did say the lower case "d" under the serial number is probably the inspector's mark. The .38 special round will not fit this gun. The push rod for ejecting the cartridges sticks past the barrell aprox 1 cm. Therefore, I know the .38 special is wrong. When I bought the gun, they said the barrell was replaced.

A while ago I asked if a .410 shotgun can safely fire 45 colt, .454 casull and 460 S&W, and learned shotguns are low pressure only.

what if I went about it reversed? could a .460 S&W caliber rifle safely shoot .454 casull and 45 colt in it safely? I think .460S&W is the highest pressure as its the most powerful? they all share similar case dimensions- the 454 was made from a longer 45 colt case, the 460s&w from the 454 casull case. since the 460 is the longest, then the 454 casull and 45 colt should all fit in the same chamber. It'll be like shooting .38 special in a 357 revolver. that can be done safely, so from a 460 S&W chamber 454 casull and 45 colt can be done that way too?

what do you guys think?

also is it possible to have a gunsmith lengthen the 460 S&W chamber to 3" to also accept a .410 shotshell? (I know rifled barrels don't work well with shotgun shot) . 410 and 45 colt shares compatible case dimensions (besides that the 410 is very long)
its because if this would work it would be the ultimate survival rifle. I would be able to chamber 4 different cartridges of 4 different power levels that would allow me to hunt anything from small game like squirrels and rabbits to really big game like small bears. The four different cartridges each has at least 3 different kinds of (manufacturer) loads, from really weak to really powerful. at the very least greater than 12 different power levels, suitable for nearly any kind of use. There's no other single caliber quite like that. closest would be .223, which I've heard can take varmint mostly to deer, elk, and bear, but its not legal to hunt larger game with a .223 caliber rifle.

its a colt detective spec
38. special ctg
nickel plated wood grip

I just completed my CCW training and rec'd my license. I did my practice with my Dad's old .22 Colt Peacemaker, and I felt quite comfortable with that, but I've been told that it's probably not the best choice for a CCW.

I've tried a .38 revolver and a .380 semi-automatic at the firing range, but they have too much "kick" for me to handle efficiently.

Any suggestions?

I'm looking at getting a 1851 Colt open-top chambered in a 38 special but I don't know if the snakeshot loads will stick out the front of the cylinder. If they do, I either need to look into a 45lc or go with another gun chambered for 357.

Any experience with 38 specials???
The gun I'm looking at is chambered only in a 38 special.

What I need to know is the length of the 38/357 shotshells. If the OAL is the same as a 38special I'll be fine. If it's a 357 OAL, I won't be able to turn the cylinder without crushing the capsules.

Ive been looking at a taurus raging bull .44 mag, for hunting. I'm wanting long range, with alot of knockdown power. I do not want a 500 S&W, thats way too much, i live in alabama, so i wont be doing any elephant hunting. But, i love revolvers, ever since i shot my g-paws 1930's colt .38 special. ive got a baby desert eagle .40 cal. but i cant find mods for it. im wanting something i can change triggers, or put a laser, or scope on, that can take down at least a bear. its about style too. my favorite brands are, taurus, ruger, and s&w. any ideas? im open for suggestions

I want a .38 special for home defense. I will practice with it about once every two weeks at a 50 foot indoor range. I thought something with a 4 inch barrel, and probably heavier would be better? Problem is, I want both actions. Colt and Ruger seem to offer only one or the other. I heard that many gun owners are mad at S&W, and that we shouldn't buy from them? I hear different things about Taurus, and I'm saving up to spend a little more on quality. Who else can sell me a quality .38 special revolver that uses sa and da?

For numerous reasons, I want a .38 special. Please do not recommend a .357 because I can't use that ammo at my range, and I can't shoot it anywhere else. I don't want to use .357 ammo for the first time in a defense situation. Unless you think it will be fine to use a .357 exclusively as a .38.
Thanks Carson. I read that they supported, oddly, some bill by Clinton and Gore that caused problems for gun dealers and some owners. An article I found on it was dated 2000. I'm trying to find out if it caused anger throughout the world of US firearms, or just some people. If you're right, my decision is a lot easier.
John, that's what I thought. But when I looked closer at the Ruger pistols (I didn't look at the .357), I'm pretty sure I saw it say DA only. I thought maybe some pistols were like that, which I knew less about, but I thought all revolvers that were DA could be used in SA as well. What I was seeing seemed to be a contradition. The .357 by Ruger the other answerer recommended does seem to do both. However, if ownership of S&W has changed, it's getting easier again still.

I know the .357 Magnum can safely fire .38 special, so would this combination safely work? I'm asking because H&R ammo is expensive and I have a box of ".32 COLT NP" with no gun to shoot it from. What is the "NP"?

Is the colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver more powerful then the 38 short barrel
the colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver has a way longer barrel does it make a difference
does colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver cost more is it better

Is the colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver more powerful then the 38 short barrel
the colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver has a way longer barrel does it make a differences
does colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver cost more is it better

i got a colt officers model 38 heavy barrel revolver and i want to know if it works with out shooting it and what does it mean if a gun is loose

I live in the state of Virginia and will be 21 in March. (You must be 21 to own a handgun in VA.) I am looking at options ahead of time so that I can get a gun as soon as possible after my birthday.

Some things that I have to consider when making a choice are size, caliber, and price. Price is a big one since I am attending college right now. Not a whole lot of extra cash lying around.

I am looking for a firearm that can be carried as a concealed weapon (I plan to get a permit) but something that I only need to fire once. (Assuming I hit my target) I realize that I may sound like some freak that is planning to do something horrible. Therefore, let me list my reasons for having a concealed weapon.

#1.) I do not hate the constitution.

#2.) I have no desire to use a gun in a confrontational way, but will use it for self defense if ABSOLUTELY neccessary.

#3.) For home defense and security.

I do not plan to carry a gun on me 24/7. But only when I go out of town and am around bad in Baltimore. Ugh.

Anyway I need a quality weapon that can be concealed well. Here are some options that I have thought of:

1911 Colt .45- Good all around hand gun, a bit pricy, but has plenty of kick. Not EXACTLY the easist concealed gun.

Smith and Wesson M&P 360 .375/.38 Revolver- Fires .38 and .375 rounds, small and easily concealed (snub nose) but only has a 5 round cylender. So I would only have 4 shots.

Please comment on these choices and make suggestions!!!

Thanks in advance!

I have always wondered this. I remember my Dad had the Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum with wood handle and black barrel, at 6" length. SWEET.

Now WHY do you cock back the hammer, what is its tactical purpose, the gun will still shoot...

... also true on Colt .38 Agent in .38 Special, snub-nose, another nice little piece...


Is it ok and safe to use Winchester 38 SPL.+P 125 GR.JHP personal protection ammunition in Colt revolver that takes 38 ammunition

hi can somebody please tell me the different between all the different models .38 2 inch in a colt cobra

I would like to know how good is a colt cobra 2 inch barrel what is good about this revolver and what is bad and is it still a good gun to carry

I have a colt officers model target,DA revolver in .38 spl,serial#656***,anybody have an idea when it was made,not having any luck figuring out this one

Not a complete stranger to guns or shooting, but I'm looking to make my first gun purchase. I want to learn more about taking care of the guns and getting better at shooting. Not looking for a home defense gun or anything like that.

Looking for a good pistol that has good control and isn't too difficult to shoot. I've shot a .45 Colt semi auto before and had some problems with control. I had better luck with a S&W .38 revolver.

Any suggestions on a good first pistol purchase?
Looking to spend about $1,000.

i know from a little research that it was made between 1897 - 98 and is in very good condition.

I am planning to go deer hunting this November. I have successfully completed and passed the Texas Hunter's Education Program. I am buying my Resident Hunter's License and Annual Public Hunting permit soon. I have also scheduled an annual hunting lease for $800 on a rancher's property 45 miles outside of Austin, Texas.
I own several guns at home, I now have a Bushmaster AR-15, a Century Arms Galil rifle, a Bulgarian AK-47, a Rossi .38 special revolver, a Colt 1911 .45 pistol, and a 1895 Nagant revolver. The most accurate gun of my collection is my AR-15 and I enjoy taking it to the range every weekend.
I spoke with the Game Warden and hunting with an AR-15 is legal here in the state of Texas. My rifle is equipped with a great telescope and bullet drop compensator and I also own a laser rangefinder to help me calculate the distance to my target.
Some people say that an AR-15's .223 remington round can't kill a deer. Yet most of these critics, have never hunted deer with the .223 round or even tried it. A lot of the guys who hunt in this place where I booked my lease, are using AR-15's and only 2 of them have an AR-10.
I spoke with them and they told me not to use the light 55 grain .223 round on deer. They recommended that I use the 64 grain soft point .223 round or the 77 grain soft point .223 round made by Sierra Matchking series. These heavier bullets delivered more foot lbs. of energy when they struck the deer, and a heavier .223 round is less likely to yaw and has greater penetration.
But of course, I learned that there was a disadvantage. For maximum effectiveness against whitetails and mule deer, they recommended that I shoot at deer from less than 120 yards away, because the heavier bullet tends to lose velocity at a greater rate than the lighter 55 grain round.
I am hunting from a deer stand that is at a 46 yard distance from an automatic corn feeder. If there is a .223 hunting load or make that you have used successfully to hunt deer, please tell me about it or please share your deer hunting experience with a .223 round.

colt revolver hand gun

Which has more stopping power? Which is more accurate and reliable?

I recently bought a 38 colt Army Special revolver. I've shot it at shooting ranges before, and really like it. What is your experiences with it? How does it's power and accuracy compare to other guns, such as a 9mm glock?
The gun shop specifically labeled it as a "38 colt Army".

someone gave me a colt .38 special police psitive revolver. it is in great condition. it also has pearl grips. i couldnt find one like it on the internet and i really dont know much about it. i need to sell it,butwhat should i expect to get from it?

I am a proud supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Since I was little they always fascinated me, when I turned 21 years old I bought myself my first gun, a Bushmaster AR-15 and 3 days ago I bought a S&W .38 revolver. Now I'm saving up to buy another one, a 1911 Colt .45. I'm a Democrat and I don't think there is anything wrong with citizens having guns.
I think it is the reason of why you buy them. I buy them for pleasure at the range, home protection, and for protecting my freedoms from Big Brother, the government.

Why do you like guns or hate them? Please share your answers, thanks : )

i was told not to shoot 38 spec. ammunition
what is & what ammo can be used

I have an old Colt that used to belong to my grandfather and I am considering selling it. The gun is in very good to excellent condition with the original blue, no fading and no scratches. Serial number is 5095XX. On the barrel it reads: Colt's P T F.A. Mfg. Co. Hartford CT U.S.A. (Next line) PAT'D AUG.5, 1884, JUNE 6. 1900 JULY 4, 1905.

On the left, and in larger print:

There is a Colt emblem etched into the metal above the checkered wooden grip, and the grip itself has the emblem -- looks like a small brass disc -- on either side.

Could somebody please tell me the approximate manufacturing date as well as an approximate value for this gun. Thank you.

I saw this in the news: The man who owns the .38-caliber Colt Cobra revolver Jack Ruby used to kill accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald says the piece is going up for auction this month in Las Vegas. Anthony Pugliese III, who paid $200,000 for the gun at an auction in 1991.

My question is how did the gun go out for auction in the first place? Why is it not in police archives? Did the gun go to Jack Ruby's heirs when he died?

its shiny has bout 6 inch long barrell and works its a revolver from my grandfather i say bout 40 yrs old

1. Mod/Police Positive, Ser/405135, Cal/38 Special
2. Mod/Officer's Model, Ser/16121, Cal/22LR

I'm the sound designer for a production of Assassins by Steven Sondheim. In the show are the 9 different guns that were used to attempt or successfully assassinate a president.

The guns are as follows:
- .44 caliber Derringer (John Wilkes Booth)
- Mannlicher-Carcano bolt action rifle (Lee Harvey Oswald)
- .32 caliber Iver-Johnson "Safety Automatic" hammerless revolver (Leon Czolgosz)
- .22 caliber Rohm RG-14 revolver (John Warnock Hinckley Jr.)
- .44 Webley British Bulldog revolver (Charles Julius Guiteau)
- .32 caliber Smith & Wesson hammerless pistol, 5 shot (Giuseppe Zangara)
- .22 snube nose caliber revolver, don't know the manufacturer (Samuel Byck)
- .45 Colt semi-automatic, this one i can get fairly easy (Lynette Alice "Squeaky" Fromme)
- .38 caliber revolver Smith & Wesson, 5 shot nickle plated with 4" in. barrel (Sara Jane Moore)

Now i know i most likely will not be able to get that specific with the SFX, but any help to get close is appreciated.

I'm the sound designer for a production of Assassins by Steven Sondheim. In the show are the 9 different guns that were used to attempt or successfully assassinate a president.

The guns are as follows:
- .44 caliber Derringer (John Wilkes Booth)
- Mannlicher-Carcano bolt action rifle (Lee Harvey Oswald)
- .32 caliber Iver-Johnson "Safety Automatic" hammerless revolver (Leon Czolgosz)
- .22 caliber Rohm RG-14 revolver (John Warnock Hinckley Jr.)
- .44 Webley British Bulldog revolver (Charles Julius Guiteau)
- .32 caliber Smith & Wesson hammerless pistol, 5 shot (Giuseppe Zangara)
- .22 snube nose caliber revolver, don't know the manufacturer (Samuel Byck)
- .45 Colt semi-automatic, this one i can get fairly easy (Lynette Alice "Squeaky" Fromme)
- .38 caliber revolver Smith & Wesson, 5 shot nickle plated with 4" in. barrel (Sara Jane Moore)

Now i know i most likely will not be able to get that specific with the SFX, but any help to get close is appreciated.

Sorry for all the questions guys, but which is more lethal, a .38 special revolver or a Colt 1851/1861 .36 navy handgun?
The .38 has factory loads, the old naval has a conical seated in 20 grains of fffg. Thanks!
Oh yeah, and does anyone have a rough estimate to the velocity of these rounds? The .38 uses fast burning powder but only a 4 3/4 inch barrel, while the 1861 Colt uses slower black powder but with an 8 inch barrel! Just curious! Thanks guys!

It has a 4" barrel, double action revolver, is made with nickel, and has a wooden handgrip. It is supposedly a limited edition and is not being made anymore.

I have a Glock .40 S&W and a barrel that I swap to shoot .357 Sig. I also have a cheap 9mm pistol (I am ashamed to say it's a Jennings) and have access to my fathers P89 Ruger 9mm. I also own shotguns, .22, 30-30, and 7.62X54R.

I want to add another gun to my collection primarily for target shooting, but the right gun might double as a secondary hunting/defense weapon. I am primarily interested in a handgun or 5.56/.223 AR-15 or similar style rifle.

I am considering two options.

1) Buying a cheap Taurus or other backup handgun for $350 or so in a 9mm or .45. This will probably be a compact. Or buying a revolver (I do not own a revolver) in a snub nose .38 special or a longer barrel .357 or .44 mag.

2) Expensive route: saving for a larger purchase and either buy a 1911 style .45. Rock Island Armory is $375 if I go cheapo or Colt in $600-$800 range. Rifle would be 223/5.56; Olympic Arms makes an A1 plinker for $600.

Which gun is needed in everyman's gun collection?

Revolver is in 80% condition. Has 38-40 shells to go with it. I,ve been around a long time, it is the only one I ever remember seeing in this caliber

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